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Specialized advisory and diagnostic department with women's consultation

Offers the following medical services:

The specialized advisory and diagnostic department with women's consultation offers quality medical services to patients of various age groups: from consultations of a gynecologist for children and adolescents to examinations and consultations of women 50+

Consultation and examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist on a gynecological chair, taking smears for microflora and oncocytology. Digital colposcopy. Diagnosis and treatment of cervical pathology. Expert-level ultrasound of the reproductive organs. Individual selection of a contraceptive method

Consultation and examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist on a gynecological chair, taking swabs for microflora and oncocytology. Digital colposcopy. Diagnosis and treatment of pathology of the cervix. Expert-level ultrasound of the organs of the reproductive sphere. Individual selection of the method of contraception

Діагностичні обстеження :діагностична гістероскопія- перевірка стану порожнини матки та ендометрія.Метросальпінгографія – перевірка прохідності маткових труб.Діагностика патології молочної залози – цифрова мамографія, УЗД

Diagnostic examinations: diagnostic hysteroscopy - examination of the state of the uterine cavity and endometrium. Metrosalpingography - checking the patency of fallopian tubes. Diagnosis of mammary gland pathology - digital mammography, ultrasound

Planning and management of pregnancy under a contract with the NHSU, postpartum rehabilitation

Planning and management of pregnancy according to the contract with the National Health Service, postpartum rehabilitation

Consultations of related specialists: endocrinologist, urologist, sexopathologist, therapist, dermatovenerologist, geneticist, psychologist

Consultations of related specialists: endocrinologist, urologist, sexologist, therapist, dermatovenerologist, geneticist, psychologist


Open days are held once a month

Лекції для майбутніх батьків в Академії батьківства

Lectures for future parents at the Parenting Academy


Meet the obstetrician-gynecologists who conduct appointments in the specialized women's consultation


Here you can get acquainted with obstetrician-gynecologists who keep records of pregnancy


Endocrinologist, therapist, urologist, sexologist, geneticist, dermatovenerologist, psychologist



Lviv, st. J. Washington, 6

Lviv, Taras Bobanycha St. 9


Office hours:

0 800 505 435


8:00 – 18:00


9:00 – 15:00



8:00 – 18:00


9:00 – 15:00

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Lviv Perinatal Center

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